Engage Missions

the Bible

Biblical Basis of Missions by Avery Willis Jr; Convention Press

Bruchko by Bruce Olson; Creation House Publisher

Christianity Confronts Culture, A Strategy for Crosscultural Evangelism by Marvin Mayers; Zondervan Publishing House

Churchless Christianity
by Herbert E Hoefer; APATS and William Carey Library

Communicating Christ Cross-Culturally, An Introduction to Missionary Communication by David Hesselgrave; Zondervan Publishing House

Friend Raising, Building a Missionary Support Team that Lasts by Betty Barnett; YWAM Publishing

Jim Elliot, Missionary to Ecuador by Susan Martins Miller; Barbour Publishing

Lifeviews, Make a Christian Impact on Culture and Society by R C Sproul; Revell, Baker Book House

Ministering Cross-Culturally
, An Incarnational Model for Personal Relationships by Sherwood G Lingenfelter and Marvin K Mayers; Baker Book House

Mission Possible, the Wonderful Story of God and a Wycliffe Translator in the Jungles of Papua New Guinea by Marilyn Laszlo with Luci Tumas; Tyndale House Publishers

Missionary Voices, A W Tozer and Others; edited by H Robert Cowles, K Neill Foster and David P Jones; Christian Publications

Operation World, When we Pray God Works by Patrick Johnstone and Jason Mandryk; Authentic Media Publisher

Perspectives, on the World Christian Movement by Ralph Winter and Steven Hawthorne; Paternoster Press Publisher

Revolution in World Missions by K.P. Yohannan; gfa books publication, a division of Gospel for Asia

Successful Mission Teams, A Guide for Volunteers by Martha VanCise; New Hope

Through Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth Elliot; Tyndale House Publishers

Today’s Choices for Tomorrow’s Mission, An Evangelical Perspective on Trends and Issues in Missions by David J Hesselgrave; Academie Books, Zondervan Publishing House

Unveiled at Last, Discover God’s Hidden Message from Genesis to Revelation by Bob Sjogren; YWAM Publishing

Vacations with a Purpose; a Handbook for Your Short-Term Missions Experience by Chris Eaton and Kim Hurst; Navpress

Where There is no Doctor, a village health care handbook by David Werner; Hesperian Publishing for Community Health and Empowerment

Williams Carey, the Legacy of
; A Model for the Transformation of a Culture by Vishal & Ruth Mangalwadi; Crossway Books

William Carey Library, PO Box 40129, Pasadena, CA 91114

Norma Caddell

Norma Caddell

Nurse Practitioner
from Texas, USA
Missionary in Uganda & South Sudan

"The Lord keeps telling me to not act out of my feelings and emotions, but to trust HIM and learn to walk more in His love. He is telling me to not focus on the things that are visible but to trust HIM in the invisible… God has been so faithful as He always is… I have surrendered all to Him and I trust Him to take me on His path, for His glory."

Adam Sandipudi

Adam Sandipudi

Dayspring Children’s Home
Visweswarayapuram, Andhra Pradesh, India

"Greetings to you from the bottom of my heart in the sweet name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Your loving names are always dancing upon our lips. It brings joy and encouragement to hear from you… Is there any possibility for you to visit India??? We all will love it and we want to see you. Please pray for us and the needs here… Pray for the 150 orphan children that are in our children home. Also pray for the 75 old aged widows that are in our care… Thank you soooooooo much for your love, compassion and kind concern for us."