Give to Engage Missions
God blesses us with opportunities to be part of His work by allowing us the privilege to give of ourselves. God is God! He gives us everything we have, even every breath we take. You're not waiting for God. He's waiting for you! Take the challenge to Pray, Share or Go with us.
With your support of any amount we will be able to help meet the needs of those who are hurting. We are committed to sharing our ministry with everyone. Consider giving by:
- Mail your check to us
- Make your secure contribution by clicking on the Pay Pal Donate button below
Your gifts are tax deductible. Be sure to check with your financial advisor as to the benefits you may gain when making any charitable financial contribution. All donations go directly to the work without administrative fees.
Sharing Christ in foreign fields is a step of faith for us and your designated gift will help build schools, homes, orphanages and farms. With your designated gift, you can further help furnish the facilities with needed items, including food, clothes, farm tools, seeds, books and supplies that will provide for a better environment. No financial contribution is too small.