
Of all the nations in the Western Hemisphere, Haiti faces the greatest challenges to improve the lives of its people. Haiti is the country most affected by HIV/AIDS outside of sub-Saharan Africa. Many Haitians lack access to basic health care. The earthquake of January 2010 greatly damaged governmental infrastructures and the main medical facilities.
Haiti is located on the Western side of the island of Hispaniola, which it shares with the Dominican Republic. History reports that Columbus first landed on Hispaniola when discovering the New World.

- Region: Caribbean
- Population: 8,706,497
- Annual Population Growth Rate: 2.5%
- Life Expectancy at Birth: 57 years
- Infant Mortality Rate: 64 per 1,000 live births
- Children Under-5 Mortality Rate: 120 per 1,000 live births
- Adult Male Literacy Rate: 55%
- Adult Female Literacy Rate: 51%
- Population with access to an improved water source: 54%
ENGAGE MISSIONS work in Haiti:
Working with local pastors, we seek to provide medical clinics, orphan sponsorship, build churches, and assist with community outreach programs through our volunteer programs. Haiti is a quick trip away from the USA.